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Personnel Commission

A personnel commission is a nonpartisan public body responsible for the administration of a "merit system" for the selection, retention and promotion of classified (non-teaching) employees in a public school district.  By law it is composed of three members appointed for three-year terms with the term of one member expiring each year.  For all personnel commissions established since 1965, one commissioner is appointed by the governing board of the district, one by the governing board upon recommendation of classified employees of the district, and the third by the other two commissioners.  (California Education Code 45240 to 45320)

Commissions have a three-fold responsibility:  

  1. To cooperate with the governing board and administrators in the quest for competent employees and good personnel administration;
  2. To represent the interests of the general public by providing a personnel system dedicated to hiring and keeping good workers in the service of the jurisdiction; and
  3. To see that classified employees receive fair and equitable treatment.

Greg Puccia, Director of The Personnel Commission

Rachel Robinson-Vang, Commission Representative

For any questions regarding the Personnel Commission, please contact Rachel Robinson-Vang at


Rebecca French
Appointed by Commission Members
Term ends 12/01/2025)

Jennifer Myers
Appointed by Commission Members
Term ends 12/01/2026)

Evelyn (Irene) Iwan
Appointed by Governing Board
Term ends 12/01/2024