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Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)

Teacher working with student at her desk.
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Students working on project at lab table in iINNOVATE lab.
In San Luis Coastal Unified School District, we use the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework to identify the needs of our students and respond quickly. MTSS focuses on the whole child, supporting not only academic growth but behavior, social emotional needs, and attendance. The tiers of support are a key part of MTSS. They get more intensive from one level to the next.

We meet all students’ needs through Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS).

The MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) pyramid below is a visual representation of the framework used to provide different levels of support to students based on their individual needs. It also illustrates how interventions become increasingly supportive as a student’s needs escalate.

  • The base of the pyramid is Tier 1 and offers core instruction for all students (ie. IInnovate, adopted curriculum, ELD, social-emotional learning, etc.).
  • The middle tier is Tier 2 and it provides targeted interventions for smaller groups (ie. WIN time, Check in, Check out (CICO), counseling groups, etc.).
  • Lastly, the top tier, Tier 3, offers intensive, individualized support for students requiring the most assistance (ie. Specialized Academic Instruction and individual counseling).

The Multi-Tiered System of Supports pyramid is a visual representation of the framework used to provide different levels of support to students based on their individual needs. It also illustrates how interventions become increasingly supportive as a student’s needs escalate.