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Help Your Child Succeed in School: Build the Habit of Good Attendance Early


  • Starting in preschool and kindergarten, too many absences can cause children to fall behind in school.
  • Missing 10%, or about 2 days each month over the course of a school year, can make it harder to learn to read.
  • Students can still fall behind if they miss just one or two days every few weeks.
  • Being late to school may lead to poor attendance.
  • Absences and tardiness can affect the whole classroom if the teacher has to slow down learning to help children catch up.

Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school—and themselves. Start building this habit in preschool so they learn right away that going to school on time, every day is important. Eventually good attendance will be a skill that will help them succeed in high school and college.

Attendance Reporting and Policies

To report an absence, call or email your site secretary. 

Students are responsible for having their parent telephone or email the school on the day they are absent from school. Please include the following information when reporting a school absence: 

  • The student’s name
  • Date(s) of absence
  • Reason for absence
  • Name of caller and relationship to student
  • Daytime phone number of caller

Absences not cleared within TWO (2) DAYS of the student’s absence will be considered an unexcused absence. 


  • Set a regular bedtime and morning routine.
  • Lay out clothes and pack backpacks the night before.
  • Keep your child healthy and make sure your child has the required shots.
  • Introduce your children to their teachers and classmates before school starts.
  • Develop backup plans for getting to school if something comes up. Call on a family member, a neighbor, or another parent.
  • Try to schedule non-urgent related medical appointments and extended trips when school isn’t in session.
  • If your child seems anxious about going to school, talk to teachers, school counselors and other parents for advice on how to make your child feel comfortable and excited about learning.
  • If you are concerned that your child may have a contagious illness, call your school or health care provider for advice.
  • If your child must stay home due to illness, ask the teacher for resources and ideas to continue learning at home.

Independent Study

Students who miss 5-20 consecutive days of school may enroll in an Independent Study program in order to excuse their attendance. Parent/Guardian and student must contact the school no less than 10 days prior to their absence to sign their Independent Study Contract. At this time, students and parents will be informed of the necessary steps in which to gather and return their work for attendance approval. Please call the site secretary with any questions. 

When Do Absences Become a Problem?

Red Apple

18 or more days

Yellow Apple

10-17 days

Green Apple

9 or fewer absences

First page of the PDF file: attendance_infographic2